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Taiwan’s democratic development has been an arduous and protracted process. In their quest for democracy, the Taiwanese people began more than one hundred years ago not only to strive for political participation but also for a constitutional political system, the separation of powers, and the rule of law, as well as for the safeguarding of basic human rights such as individual freedom, freedom of expression, freedom to publish, freedom of assembly and freedom of association. In order to achieve these goals, one wave followed another in the struggle for human rights and the movement forged proudly ahead by continually enlightening and mobilizing the public. Although the movement suffered repeated setbacks, it always rose up again, unyielding and indomitable.

On the long road to democracy in Taiwan, the call to fight for its realization was never muted. The fruits of democracy that we enjoy today were won through the blood and tears shed by the many before us. This is a fact that we should carefully reflect upon and be fully aware of.
